目前分類:西式美味 (52)

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i think it's not subjective to say that there appears regionality in the quality of eateries just within the tiny HK.  many claims that those located in N.T. should be inferior to that of the hk island and kowloon ...  but to me, La Parole in Tsing Yi should be an exception.

Sited in the grand and sole shopping mall named Maritime Square on the island,  the stylishly decorated bistro is nothing less than spectacular in terms of the sea view, and nothing more than above-average in the quality of food.

we tried the dinner a la carte, costing about $180 per head ~

welcome bread ~  high quality but a bit hard


we love seafood ... thus picked pan-fried see bass in home-made sauce ~  well fried fish, infused with special sauce tasting like lemon and dark vinegar, are delicious but a tad dry.   


tasmanian scallops meuniere with mashed potato ~  surely fresh both for the scallops and the vegetables ... the portions are tiny though  


sweet tooth :  signature dessert ... tiramisu ~  savoury cheesecake with ladyfingers well soaked with rum ... oh !!  this is the first time to taste tiramisu flavoured deeply with wine !!  mascarpone cream and the light cocoa topping is average in quality only, and the cheese filling is too much to me.  the coffee flavour is not strong enough.   however, i should say that this sponge cake without freezing taste is the best i ever had in the N.T. !!!!     


excellent as well for the belgian chocolate brownie ~  soft cake topped with the thick layer ... strong and aromatic belgian dark choco ( Leonidas ) !!   the wonderful piece of belgian dessert surely make me happier in enjoying this fine dinning time ~


La Parole, led by the famed chef Benoit Gersdorff,  is a bistro worth trying, not only cos of the hearty dishes with decorative persentation and the freshness of food without MSG ( esp. the vegetables ), but the contribution to the charitable organization, which helps the children with communication problems from lower income families.

however, it's such a cozy french eatery that there are too little space between two-seaters tables, thus maybe not a good spot for a tete-a-tete between couples.  otherwise it's a fine place for those who want to enjoy some fine but affordable french food !!    



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感謝百佳引入了一批日本原裝進口急凍食材,小弟不吝價錢挑選了一些好味,或得意 catching attention 的解凍即食食品,作個紀錄  ...  おいしいです ~~


自己是菜怪,所以特別喜歡這款沒加防腐劑的 frozen veggi (~ $20.7) ~ 主要共有 6 種蔬菜 : ひじき ( 比海澡更爽口的鹿尾菜 )、茄子、勝瓜、小松菜、大根及牛蒡。 全部皆用醬油煮過,及灑了芝麻 ... 賣相實在非常吸引,味道更 juicy 得超乎想像 !!  沒騙你們的



像是蔬菜魚腐的卷卷 ( 雜錦蔬菜炸餅 ~ $ 5),外層仍有點煙韌,咬落也有點彈牙 ~



嘩 !! 炸粟米芝士卷啊 ... 原以為經 microwave 解凍過的會令脆口的外皮變腍 ... 哈 ~ 原來仍有點脆,尚感覺到那吉烈皮的味道 ... 皮不厚,內裡的粟米及 cheese 滿載於卷內,taste 很濃啊 !!



自己很欣賞的一款 instant frozen food : cutie 野菜串 (~$ 21.2 )~ 

看看,那外型包裝是多麼得意,每串最頂層的是用紫菜有趣地卷著的蔬菜,下層混有魚肉的小小菜餅上面鋪上了薄薄的蓮藕片或花型紅蘿蔔 ...  實在太太太 amazing 了 !!!!  還有 ... 那木籤是很特別的 ... 看到嗎 ? 每支籤的把手位都有自己的 cutie 蔬菜圖案 !!!!   氹小朋友真的一流 ... 我也特意留起了那些小木籤作為紀念了 ( 最近已見不到有這款食品賣了    )



像似珍珠雞 ...  是豬肉荷葉飯 ~  味道比較寡,不及港式珍珠雞,但論包裝,荷葉真的乾淨結實得多,每個也有應是荷葉的條子打上蝴蝶結綁上,很認真 !!



有點像炸蟹箝的炸蝦 ( ~ $ 19.8 ) 內裡的蝦肉仍彈牙,外層的吉烈皮也香脆 !!



令我喜出望外的鹽味炸帶子 ( ~$17.6 ) :  外層仍香脆,最難得是帶子雖然鮮味不多,但卻彈牙,單是這些產自長崎的帶子肉,已值回票價 !!


( *** 請留意部份食品只有於極少數百佳超市有售 ) 


十多年前初次認真接觸日式即食食品,驚嘆其乾製技術 ;  到了現在品嚐急凍食材,也不得不驚訝於其 "專業認真 " 的包裝及烹調技術 ~~

我用筷子夾著那些食品的時候 ... 尤其是蔬菜串 ...  真的真的不捨得吃下 !!  實在要用 "很精緻" 來形容 !!  相比香港,點心的包裝賣相是明顯的急凍食品 feel ...  這些原裝進口的,看著那日式吉烈外皮 ... 看到香脆,咬落也香脆 !!  其製作技術,實在仍與以往一樣,遠遠在我們之上 !!

有留意包裝的,也會知道其實發行者特意設計了可分拆開的載著食物的小膠盤,原意是希望我們把它在放進微波爐前,用其建議的方法,將每個小膠容器平均分佈於微波爐碟上,讓每件食物都可得到平均受熱。  這點心思既專業,也很細心 !!

認真與創意,你同意嗎 ? 




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慶祝好友脫離苦難,另謀高就,雖然禍福未知,但總算值得慶賀。 於是找 buffet 大吃一餐 ...  咁啱見有 68 折 coupon,於是試試位於西環太平洋酒店薈萃閣 ( ip cafe ) 的 buffet了。

位置隔涉了一點,但也沒遲到,可能是晚是星期一,所以到埗後不見有很多人。我們給安排坐於窗口位,幾舒適,還有大電視睇,不錯 !!

泰式食品我興趣不大,幸好當晚所見佔的份量不多。反而日式的我當然不會客氣了 ...  即叫即做 corner ~ 有熱辣辣的燒餅 (上圖左)、蒸蛋 (中間)、 tempura 等。 日式蒸蛋 liquid 狀,幾特別 。不過沒試天婦羅 ... 因為看上去不甚對辦,留力試試其他吧 ~


走去壽司 bar ~  噢 !! not ok ...  只有數款,還給幾位小朋友拿著夾子揀來揀去,我只吃了一個 sushi ... 放棄了

唯有繼續找尋 ... buffet 就有這個很 impressed 的優點 : 享受從琳瑯滿目的食品中找尋心頭好    見到不少人也揭起蓋用長湯匙滔著,啊 ...是竹笙紅燒翅,普通貨色 ~



當然也去喜愛的沙律 bar及生果區 ~  蔬果選擇算多,也算新鮮 ... 啱晒女士們了~




橙汁任飲 ... 我們同樣喜愛 orange,所以怎會放過 ?  不過只 refill 了兩次啊  太吝嗇了吧 ...


甜品區也是重頭戲喔 ~  這次 buffet 的 desserts 水準不俗,酒店cafe吃甜品就有這個優勢了 ... 選擇不少 !!  賣相雖不太獨特,味道卻不失禮 ~


芒果糯米飯是唯一想試的泰式甜品 ... 不錯喔 !!  我最喜歡的是 blueberry cheesecake ... cheese 及 blueberry jam幾香,餅身也不硬,尤其是 cake base,很香脆啊  吃得出是鮮製 cheesecake ...  YummmmmY !!




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美式餐廳對於我並不是吃西餐的熱選,不過有時候也會陪陪友人到這類 confines hea 一下 ~  今次記下的是位於黃埔的 outback steakhouse,我點選了這些 delicacies ...


awesome ribs with chicken ($66) ~  肉汁豐富,加上烤得香口,真是會令人越吃越想再吃   若那些 ribs 可再選用更瘦的肉就 perfect 了 ~


" tropocolade " ($35) ~ 一隻很好飲的 smoothies ...  想要多杯呀 !!

是啊 ... 小弟不喜歡飲酒 ... 失禮晒   覺得在這裡不飲酒實在有點浪費 ... 但對於我,那類甜飲會使我感到更加滿足 ~


是晚 dessert ...  choco cookies ~上面是 choco scoop,下面是香脆的 choco cookies !!  端上來時是熱呼呼的 ... 所以我立刻 "幹掉" 了那雪糕先 ~  加上了 nuts 及古古力槳的甜品特別吸引   噢 ... 真是欲罷不能啊 ... 於是不消一會,整碟甜品就給我吃掉大半,友人不太嗜甜,所以只 share 了少許 ... thx a lot !!




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這天星期六中午到了旺角新世紀廣場,路過一間面積不算大,但明顯是 bakery 及 cafe 二合一的餐廳,再望望 menu, 噢 ~  似乎不錯啊 ... 有不少選擇 !!  於是便決定與友人到這裡醫肚了 ~

這間 cafe就叫 balencia ~

甫坐下一會,welcome bread 來了,只是較普通的 crispy 餐包,在這個售賣中檔次 bread 的店舖來說,是有點失望。 跟著不久我們就選了 ...

雞排長通粉 ~  通粉算有點 al dente,肉質不差,sauce 也算惹味


友人選擇了 set lunch :  司華力腸雜菌天使麵及凍檸茶  ~  麵有點過腍,腸及 mushrooms 只是普通貨色。其實 set 來說是中規中矩了


自己也點了 lychee milkshake ~  奶味太重了,不過不會太甜


我是因為看到這裡的 menu 有不少甜品選擇才有在這裡試食的念頭 ... 所以當然要試試 sweet 一會兒啦 !!  um ... 看來 signature dish 是 pannacotta,於是點了這道西式豆腐。  雖然賣相真的差了點,吃了一會也能嚐到淡淡的豆腐味╴反而 cream cheese 味確是濃了點 ...  texture 也較實,整體只能說 ok 啦 !!




Cafe  Balencia 


地址 :  旺角太子道西193號新世紀廣場1樓108號鋪

電話 :  26283686







這段時間,不知是否緣份的驅使,竟於不同時間、不同地點的餐廳裡聽了正在輕聲播放著的一首自己一直很喜歡的歌 ~  i've never been to me ( Charlene ) ....  這正正為心靈勾起了千般回憶 ....  matri 時代那種對她的思念,到現在仍縈迴心間,歷久未散 ....  是上天的安排,還是只不過一個或然的巧合 ?

這個地方有個好處,就是可以在不抵觸 copyright的情況下,upload 了這首歌,在這裡分享播放著,感謝 !!


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Sunday晚與友人在奧海城看完電影,隔鄰就有一間外貌已是 attention-catching 的 bistro  ... 以白色簡約裝修為主調,那種頗 grand 的感覺實在頗討好。 望望門外的 menu,嘩 ... 共有3頁是附有 fotos 的甜品 ... 原來真的很多 choices 呀 ...  於是立刻 walk-in 試試啦 !!


甫坐下 ...  已被那大 size 的 menu 吸引了 ^o^ ... 


給了半月型卡位,已感受到令人舒適的 ambience ...



點了煎銀鱈魚 ~  雖然 portion 小了點,但魚煎得香口,配以 salad醬吃,不錯喔 !!



友人是 tomato-holic   點了茄汁湯海鮮意粉 ~  甫端上來,立刻給嚇了一跳 ... 最大portion 非它莫屬 ...  用上大湯碗,載著很香濃的茄汁湯,很是吸引吧。不過對我來說水準只是普通,海鮮如青口、蝦與魷魚只是普通急凍貨,意粉不算 al dente,雖然湯底蕃茄味濃,但用上很多蕃茄膏,實在 artificial了點吧 ~



我們也選了鮮蝦煙三文魚米紙卷 ~ 賣相幾吸引吧 ...  味道清新,有了芒果與甜酸醬,令這道菜更是吸引。 不過,吃落米紙不太煙韌,芒果也略酸,還有改善空間啊 !!


很多 diners 是被這裡豐富的甜品 menu 吸引啊 ... 我們當然要 reserve space 品嚐風月堂的 desserts 啦 ...

綠茶 parfait ~ 友人的選擇 ...  杯中的自家製綠茶雪糕算有香濃的綠茶味,上面的egg rolls 卻不大脆口, strawberries 也帶酸味 ... 



我的選擇 ... 鮮果肉桂 waffle ~  鮮果係我的 favourite 嘛    cinnamon waffle 似乎有點過薄了,沒有那種口感,餅身也太乾   幸而今次加上了 honey,於是我極力將 waffle 浸於蜜糖上才放進口裡  ...



論環境,今次給了我滿意的印象,不算嘈雜,檯與檯之間也有足夠空間給予客人,清潔簡約的 ambience 實在值得一讚,waitress 的服務水準 ok 啦,但也要我們揮了好幾次手才見到我們 :-(   ... ...  食物方面賣相ok,但味道與食材質素只是普通,不算物有所值吧 !! 尤其是 desserts,沒錯選擇多,賣相也不俗,ice cream更是自家出品,可是味道也只是不過不失,不能算是這裡的 signature dishes.  若要吸引 diners 再次回來,我覺得始終要在食品方面下點心思了 ~



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在我們這個美食天堂裡,要吃西餐的選擇多的是,有時候貪方便會走去標榜走純西餐路線的快餐店  ,不過令我較深印象的著實不多,Euro Go Go 是我較喜歡的 chain store ~

這次我來到荃灣愉景新城的分店,還記得令我被它吸引的,是豎在門口附近的坐地 poster ~ 是推介甜品的 ^ B ^ ... ,看見這店人流不多,心想可 hea 一下了,於是試了以下紀錄了的一頓午餐 ~


當然要試試這裡的 signature dish ~ 蜜糖雞翼 ( $25) !!  到過此店的朋友幾乎一致給予 : 超好味呀 ~~~ 的評價 ...  對於我以評介的角度來說,製作煎雞翼的水準不錯,端上來時熱哄哄,吃落脆口味濃,值得一試。只是蜜糖有點過多,雞翼屬普通質素,size 也比較細小。


想吃海鮮,點了香蒜芝士青口 ( $ 29 ) ~~  以這個價錢,青口的質素不可要求高,雖然 size 較小,但焗製的海鮮確是有著不賴的蒜香與 cheese 味 ...  除了味道有點鹹外,水準真的不錯呢 !!


西餐廳怎能少得 a cup of coffee 呢 ?  我點了 iced caramel latte ( $24 ) ~ 喔,又幾香濃啊 !! 奶味是有點重了,但也不失為可口的 coffee.


哈哈 ... 既然是因為店門處的甜品 banner 吸引,of course 要試這裡的 dessert 啦 ...  選了法式麵包布甸 ( $20 ) ~  說實在,質素對於我已是 a bit above average ... 因為那香濃的蛋味,幾足料啊 !!


Euro Go Go 是走介乎快餐與西餐廳的路線,食物選擇算多,價錢可以接受 ( 當然要與 fast food shop 來比較是較貴 )。很多時經過它的分店也不會見到很多 diners,對於想在較寧靜的環境享受點悠閒的,會是不錯的選擇。 我欣賞這裡的,是那種 causal帶點 elegant、 對食物質素平民帶點認真的堅持。 服務員的 service 也令人滿意,還記得那 waitress 端菜上來的甜美笑容呢  





EURO  GO  GO ( Discovery Park Branch )

地址 :  荃灣青山公路398號愉景新城1樓 63-64號舖

電話 : 24121388



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 一間隱閉的小店 ...

一間給人回味或試試品嚐地道英國風味的小地方 ...

有次無意之中在中環石板街發現了這間叫 Chippy 的小店, 給那貼在門外的英國國旗吸引著 ... 望去店內,是一間只有很普通裝修,但那簡潔的陳設,開放式廚房,還有那幾名外國人在內有說有笑 ...  構成了很寫意的圖畫。 唔 ... 掛在牆上的 menu 主要是for 早餐的,但食物頗特別 ... 是傳統的英式食品 !!


炸魚漢堡 ( the Chippy fish burger , with chips & salad ) ~ 那魚條很 crispy,香口,也算 juicy,跟隨傳統英式炸法,外皮厚薄適中,又有 tartar sauce ... lettuce 也不賴,算新鮮。 mini salad 那塊 tomato 幾新鮮, yummy !! 


chips 也是讓人驚喜 ...  生切薯仔炸出來的有濃濃薯味,香口帶甜 ... 與 fillet 是個絕配吧 !!


一頓晚餐有了這 mug of coffee 就是一種享受啊 ... 一 mug 咖啡加一杯鮮牛奶 ... 是英國平民閒日的必備 hea一hea 伴侶嗎 ?  加上這裡南亞籍侍應的殷勤招呼,fantastic !!






地址 :  中環威靈頓街51A地下 (請慢慢從石板街步行才可找到 !! )

電話 :  25259339



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這天在尖記港威看完電影 ( 柴犬物語 ),帶著受了感動的心情到了對面的菓一道餐廳,享用了一頓少味精,多健康的晚餐 ...

是晚原來不用訂檯 ... 7 時多店內只有 halfly full.  我們選了套餐 ...

set 加 $11 可享有機麥包及南瓜湯 ~ 包普通了點,但湯是不加味精的清甜湯水,只嫌獻粉落得過重,當中南瓜茸及穀物較為稀少. 


友人喜歡吃魚,選了茄汁魚柳天使麵 ~ 魚塊煮得香口,但麵質不彈牙,很普通,而且 sauce 太多了,雖然醬汁是不太濃味的健康茄汁為主,但賣相明顯受到影響了.


我選了雞胸雜菇紅糙米飯 ~  一大個雞胸肉做的 " 盒 " 內載了數種菌類和獻汁,味道對辨,而紅糙米本身烹調得宜,吃慣了糙米的朋友便知這是恰到好處的質素 !!


最後我們齊嚐了這晚的預設甜品 ... 水蜜桃果凍 ~ 是一道不加色素、msg 及精製糖的清新涼點,對我來說是一個很好的 ending 啊 !!


總體來說這間標榜健康飲食的餐廳是做足了商業經營裡的應有水準及食物選擇.  不過味道方面始終是有點過於濃味,相比由外國人經營的正宗有機天然食材店所堅持的味淡健康飲食,明顯仍有一段距離 ...  還記得曾於 Life Cafe & Deli ( 中環些利街 12 號G/F. 至 2 樓 ) 所嚐過的清淡原味,那種原味實在並不容易適應 !!   我想以連鎖店形式 run 的健康飲食是大有可為的,但若本地投資人士能更大膽建立新的品牌推廣像 life cafe 這類真正有機飲食新文化,加以改良 ( 或稍作妥協 )後,或更會創出有香港特色的 "牛吃草飲食 " 潮流吧 !!  





菓一道健康餐廳  ( Fruit Stop Health Food Restaurant )

地址 : 尖沙咀廣東道 122-126 號中港中心 1 樓

電話 : 23771828 / 21109238


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早前知道 habitu 開了新品牌 chain restaurants,這次選了位於沙田的 tutto,希望可再嚐到這個在香港有點 "江湖地位 " 的 cafe 怎樣拓寬食店定位 ...


這是個週末的午餐,我們點了兩個 main courses 及甜品 ~


我點了海鮮 risotto ~  海鮮屬普通質素,反而意大利飯卻令我喜出望外 ... 有咬口的,不像其他 bistro 的把飯浸煮至腍身 ; 也嚐到高湯的味道 ... 這是個對版的 risotto !!


友人的鮮蟹肉天使麵 ~  pasta 是 habitu 出品的中規中矩質素,不算很 al dente. 而且 crab meat 雖是新鮮,但份量太少,大家未能很好的享受 sharing 趣味了 ...


也點了 strawberry fields ~  很香的草莓味,must-try !!


我們也選了兩款甜品 ...  上圖是 singnature dessert  草莓蛋白脆餅 ~  那些 meringue 很吸引呀 ... 因為自小喜歡吃吧   strawberries & blueberries 不酸並香甜 ... 值得一試 !!


薄脆蘋果撻伴雪糕 ~  個 tart 有點酸啊 ... 也 overcooked 了!!  幸好個 vanilla scoop 不錯,但 portion 太少了,唔夠吃噃


今次沒點 coffee ... 本來是必試的招牌飲品 ... 不過其一友人不好 coffee,另外自己也發覺 habitu 推出 tutto 這個 brandname 的定位是為一家大小而設的新式 italian bistro, caffaine 這種 drinks 不大會是其重點了,所以我不認為 tutto 的 coffee 會好得過媽媽 habitu 吧。不過個環境也保留了很舒適的 hea 工具 ...  大 sofa !!  牆上也貼滿了很趣緻的小朋友大相 ...







地址 :  沙田新城市廣場 1 期 1 樓 105 舖

電話 : 26940111



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日本的 coffee 偏甜,與他們飲食喜歡甜的味道有關吧 ~

現在香港能購得的罐裝飲品實在多得很, 既然自己一向有紀錄好吃飲食的習慣,就在這裡分享一下 ~

sangaria 出產了很多 drinks, 這是牛奶奶茶.  茶味幾濃.


也是同一品牌, 但這款只於大發行見過有得賣.  味道同樣偏甜. otherwise 沒甚特別.


boss 這品牌多是細罐裝.  曾試過其炭燒 coffee, 真的不錯.  而圖中的是 cafe au lait.  味道只是牛奶味更香, coffee 味稍淡.  可是始終與台灣飲過的紙包 au lait 有明顯分別 ...  是 coffee 與奶香的一種融合,令它更甜更香.    很懷念呀 ...


在 citysuper 見到的 choco drink.  它用了 van houten 朱古力製造.  choco 味很濃,帶點黑朱古力的甘味,也很香滑.  YummmmmmY !!


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i've been a patron in two outlets of Habitu, and they impressed me. So this time i wanna introduce the one in ocean terminal, which prides itself on the spectacular habour view for alfresco dinning.

this nite i liked a le carte instead of set dinner with spaghetti carbonara as main course ~

we were welcomed first by a basket of home-made breadstick and plain bread.  it was served with olive oil and black vinegar. i' interested in the oil instead of bread, which is average only in quality.


soup of tonite ~ lobster bisque ( $ 68), the signature soup satisfying my appetite without disappointment each time.  i can taste the strong smell of lobster and tomato !!


the main ~ spaghetti carbonara with  scallops and black truffle shalves ( $168 ).  the hand-made spaghetti is for sure al dente !!  and the scallops are bouncy and cooked to perfection. the slighty salty carbonara should upgrade the taste of the dish.  this is a delectable dish except the inadequate sauce added making the spaghetti too dry.


it should be meaningless to try out there without sipping a cup of the renowned caffeine mix.  i chose moccacinno ( $40) ...  still unforgettable long aroma with smooth body and full flavour of chocolate and espresso.


we end the nite on a sugar high with a tasty signature dessert here ...  i haven't forgot to save space for it  ~  i picked the popular hazelnut meringue ($ 65 ).  i'm facinated by the fresh and colourful fruit ( strawberry, blueberry and raspberry ),  the whipped cream and the egg whites. we could say nothing but finished the plate within a few mins !!  


we were allotted the tables near the bar, but i'm not disappointed having no chance to enjoy the habourfront view, which is not attractive in the night.    the ambience here is chic and sleek, with high ceiling and enough space between tables. the waiters are surely smart and knowledgable, but in such a hurry that i suggest they should put on the shoes for roller skating !!




Habitu  The  Pier

address :  g/f, Ocean Terminal,  TST ( waterfront opposite star ferry )

phone : 31010901

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平日出外用膳也喜歡到 bistro 規模的 caffe 享受美食,不過這些時間偶爾到了 chain eateries  形式經營的 Spaghetti House 品嚐了她們的 pasta 及 caffeine fix,原來比較大眾化的意粉店也有令人驚喜的水準 ...  YummY !!


angel hair pasta w/ lobster & scallop Au Gratin  ( $ 128 ) ~~  頗足料,意粉算 al dente, cheese 味也夠香濃,但比較稠,若 a bit runny 會更好


barbecued baby back ribs served w/ potato wedges & spicy sauce ( $98 ) ~~  份量頗足的 delectable dish !!  肋骨肉夠嫩又不肥膩,算 juicy,那 sauce 味很濃,但若甜些就好了。  薯脆也 crispy 及很有薯味,比起很多 caffe 或餐廳的出品更佳。 若可以更香口就 perfect 了。


當然要試試這裡的 mochaccino ($28) ~~  ironically 不俗的製作 ...  以往只能於標榜coffee expert 的 caffe 以 $30 以上價錢才可嚐到的莫加原來也可於這裡找到啊 !!  夠香濃的 espresso 及同樣甘香 的choco 配得不錯,上層的 whipped cream 也夠滑,加上 choco stick 更是錦上添花啦 !!


fresh green apple & pineapple juice ( $36 )  合乎中檔西餐廳水準,很香唔淡呀 !!


desserts ...  chocolate lava w/ice-cream ( $38, set meal 只需加 $ 20 ) ~~  真的有少少 lava 正流了出來,因其餘的已於上桌前給弄了出來 !!  味道普通,但喜歡那 mini slice of strawberry !!


也試了 banana split ( $39 ) ~~  兩條香蕉中間盛了 vanilla , strawberry 及 chocolate ice-cream scoops, 雖然也是沒有驚喜,但已讓我滿足了 ...  緊記吃完 banana 才嚐 scoops 呀,不然那些香蕉就會淡而沒味了 !! 



**  Spaghetti House 各分店地址 :




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It's really fantastic for dinners to have a visit on an eatery questing for a long time.  recently i'm so fortunate to be granted an opportunity to try the exquisite french cuisine in Kowloon ~~  LGB of Elements.


i sampled the set lunch which was made to perfection.  but perfection has its price ... so it costs nearly $200.


Lobster bisque with diced bread ...  amazing soup with strong taste of lobster and tomato.  Great !! 

k-m-wink.gif picture by hkgm1994


the main : linguine with crab meat, beans & mustard cream. creamy and tangy sauce goes well with the fresh crab meat n' the really al dente linguine.  the shaved cheese further enhanced the taste of this delectable dish !!

aroused.gif picture by hkgm1994


i deliberately save some space for desserts which are handmade with high-quality ingredients, including valrhona choco.  i picked the apple tart with fresh whipped cream  :  spiced apple with natural aroma but a bit sour.  it's topped with macarpone cheese, so that the dish turned out to be tangy, zesty gem. 


the dinner ended on a high-note ~ the aromatic valrhona mocha presents the art of mixing espresso and choco in a perfect way ...  but, to me, still inferior to the mocha of Segafredo, though the taste of choco of LGB is incomparably better.  


the classy retail corner for it's famed macarons and tarts.


LGB is the name of the chain cafes introducing the concept of French tea salons to HK.  the dishes are haute enough to justify the high price. but the deluxe food and the ambiance, which is dimly lit with dark wood walls,  does not match well with the open design. it surely sacrifices the privacy of eaters in this compact, cozy cafe !!



Le  Gouter  Bernardaud 

Address :  Shop 2009,  Elements, Kowloon

Telephone : 21968488

Opening Hours :  10am - 10pm  Daily



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天后的兩條食街 ~~ 清風街及琉璃街 ~~ 相信在附近居住或工作的朋友也會知道這裡的特色 ︰ 由平到貴、由中到西的食肆均集中於此,就是甜品店已有數間 !!  再加上毗連的電氣道食肆越開越多,形成了“飲食金三角”,所以有不少像我的胃食鬼也會耐不耐到這裡回訪那些在腦海漸漸淡了的食物味道 ...  有時也給我探訪了住在附近的影視藝人,他們也會到這裡覓食喔 !!

今次我探訪了曾有城中名人光顧的西餐廳 ~~ ironwood cafe.

是晚點了 set dinner ( $138 另加 $10 轉 coffee ) ...


法式麵包 ...  對這道前菜要求不高的或會覺得 ok 嘅。


daily soup 是忌廉蕃茄湯,味道不太濃,偏甜,質素可以。


主菜是大蝦天使麵配芒果汁 ( grilled king prawn w/ mango sauce in spagetti ),蝦肉彈牙,麵就比較普通了點,不算 al dente,而芒果汁也未如理想 ~~ 沒有我想嚐的帶酸的鮮芒果味,不過汁身夠 creamy,令麵吃起來味道不會淡。 前面的一小個蔬菜波幾得意,辣辣的幾好味 !!


是晚甜品是 black forest chocolate cake,不是cheese cake (這店的 signature dessert ),幸好味道不錯,cream 和 chocolate 也算中檔質素,加上那杯不會太甜的 hot mochaccino,算是向自己的肚子交代了吧。


這店的一大特色是仿照外國露天茶座的佈局,有下圖的椰子樹,也有頑皮的小猴子伴客人進餐。空間也算寬敞,氣氛夠靜帶暗可以給食客一個舒服的環境抖抖氣,ok 啦 !!  這個餐以價錢來說要加“吃”裝修才算值 !!




地址 ︰銅鑼灣天后琉璃街13號地下







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近排要到學校搵料期間,到了午飯時段也會到般咸道找吃,偶然給我發現了一間剛開張不久的小型西餐廳 Fusion Cafe,門口貼上了menu 及圖片,頗吸引吧 .... 比起對面的 Wildfire 價錢平了一截,於是走去試試。

中午時段有 set lunch,都是steak 或 fillet 之類,而我特意點了沙律及特色西多士,看看有否西區少有的特色驚喜 !!

先介紹共三種餡料選擇的焗薯皮配鮮果沙律,而我選了煙三文魚和酸忌廉 ( smoked salmon and sour cream, $50 )。單看其賣相和端上桌時的撲鼻香氣已叫人有點驚訝了 !!  像是精緻egg tart 的 "酥皮" 其實是給焗至金黃香脆的薯皮 !! 上面載滿了混有minced bacon 的酸忌廉,再鋪上稍煙薰過的卷三文魚片 ....  味道也不錯 !!  salmon 不算差,煙肉粒與薯皮也很香脆。但那 fruit salad 的portion 實在太 mini 了    這道菜誠意可嘉,但有一點需要改善的是那些 sour cream,由於是水汪汪的,而且近乎滿瀉,吃時會流至全碟皆 cream,同時也會浸淋脆 "tart" 皮,所以不夠快手吃的最後那個 "tart" 就會不夠脆 !!                   


特色西多士也是精心製作之特色菜 ( $35 ) .... 長條形的西多給整齊的層層疊,上面鋪上一 scoop 的 strawberry雪糕,加上有質素不錯的甜 strawberry jam,令這份 toast 更加 YummY !!  吃完也不覺膩。 



有天夜了離校,又到了這間 cafe 點了 light dinner.  我選了 ceasar salad with grilled chicken ($30 ).  菜和 dressing 普通了點,雞塊算煎得香口 juicy,挽回點分數。                 


也點了這店兩款甜品之一的 sabayon (沙巴翁, $35)。質感有點像 milkshake,帶有蛋味及點點酒香,上面鋪著的雜果夠新鮮,不是罐頭貨,再加上有兩支百力支,又一份有趣的食品。                


最後來杯熱哄哄的 chocolate coffee,亦算濃香。


這店子雖然細小,坐位不多,裝修也簡約,但看出主理人是有誠意製作食品。這裡除有羊架、炒飯、馬來燒雞等,當然最重要還有特色菜供應,選擇不算少 !!  老闆招呼殷勤,還有部大 Plasma,幾 relax。在西區來說絕對是多一個好選擇。



Fusion  Cafe

地址 ︰半山般咸道64號 2 號舖

電話 ︰25466662


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No one would deny the most popular western cuisine should be the three : french, italian and spainish. this time i was attracted by the contemporary outlook of the new italian cafe located upstairs in wellington street of central.


As the name may suggest, it should be the good spot offering authentic italian coffee, bread, pizza and pasta. well, it's true partly .... for the food, yes. but the decor is nothing about the epitome of italian elegance .... it should be more or less Starbucks or Pacific .... uh, it doesn't matter as i can enjoy the quiet and relaxing atmosphere with appetizingly strong aroma of coffee !!


i picked the set lunch costing $88 ....

the tomato soup with bread :  delicious !!  for the soup, strong taste of tomato without much MSG.  the bread is wonderful as very cripsy and in roll form !!  


we've the options of 1 large sandwich or 2 panini from the choices of 5 fillings.  i chose the panini, with ham and veggies. it's surely out of expectation !? .... bread is o.k., yet the fillings are terribily few and without sauce !!   not worth trying next time !!  


i'm in the mood of something sweeter, just like her. so i chose tiramisu ( pay $20 more ) instead of the fruit platter. the texture and taste is above average, though weak in the flavour of rum,  and the choco on the surface is moisty because the dish is picked up from the refrigerator.


follow it up with the astounding cup of coffee .... " Mezzo Mezzo " ( espresso with choco, $32 for small ).  that's the tastiest espresso i've ever enjoyed !!  neither sour or bitter; absolutely bold aroma and smooth !!  the flavour of expresso and choco is well-balanced so that it's still excellent in taste when the last drop flow to my mouth.  i'm totally soaked in the spirit and warmth of the barista who make their hearty cup of coffee !! 

....  then  ....  i learn that Segafredo is a quality caffeine fix for those who choose to hea with a cup of fredo only !!


i should here admire the two waiters here. they're absolutely smart and attentive !!  oops, i should say both of them are really handsome   .... their service surely add value to my dining experience !! 


once again let me say that i'll be back to sample the pasta. and, of course, i can't afford not to enjoy the fredo again, which rival the best in our city !!





Address : Upper floor, 33 Wellington Street, Central

Telephone : 25232821






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要經營一間較有特色的 cafe,gimmick 必不可少。就例如最近在金鐘 Pacific Place 發現的 Metropolitan Cafe ( 又叫 the met ),標榜的是各式wholesome 食材及 causal 環境,希望做到食品高質又"平易近人",所以不少經過這裡又想budget dining 的(包括我)也會往這裡試試。


這間屬於 Dan Ryan's 旗下的食肆可算是集cafe及西餐廳於一身。除了bakery和coffee外,也有飯、pasta、pizza等供應。而我就試食過這裡的其中一些強項 --- panini melts 及 salad。


先介紹the met 的麵包 .... sandwiches 以外就是 panini。在透明櫥櫃看見頗多fillings 的選擇,我就點了 " the met melt " ($55)。  

到了waitress 端上來時已聞到香噴噴的烘麵包味 !!  那扁平的意大利包被烘得焦黃,咬下就是又spicy又crispy 的味覺享受,不錯 !!  餡料有 black forest 火腿、煙薰火雞肉、jarlsberg & swiss 芝士及蔬菜如tomatoes 及 lettuce,伴以千島醬。 ham普通,味較淡,turkey 就夠juicy 及tender,cheese 夠溶,但同樣味較淡。個人始終最喜歡那香脆的panini,唔夠喉呀 .... !!


也來介紹這裡的自選salad︰首先揀my greens (有 2 款),我點 romaine,夠爽脆嘛。那外籍waitress 就立即捧出大鋼兜,先將選了的蔬菜倒進去,跟著問我選幾多ingredients ( 3種要$55,4種$62及5種$70 ),我就在一格格的鋼盆前點了3種配料︰grilled pineapple, roasted corn & smoked turkey breast.  (全部共27款料供選擇) 醬料我點了千島醬 ( 噢 !! 應該要 mango !! 我想會很好吃的 .... 唯有下次再試 ) 跟著她便放了所有那些材料攪拌 .... 其實整個過程是 under your eyes !!  幾好吖                                  

這碟salad 算幾大份量 ( 對女生來說  ) .... 材料事實上頗新鮮,從咬落lettuce 不是乾水便知。那些菠蘿粒是鮮製,不是罐頭貨 !! Great !!


也一提這裡的招牌 beverage ︰"metroccino" ($32 for grand) 可說是mocha + smoothies 的混合體,口感好 thick 和 dense。不過咖啡味普通了些,水準與 Starbucks 差不多。                             


要一提the met 的強項尚有落足料的 cheese cakes; 也有素食sandwiches,飯和 pizza ( 叫 margherita,很想試試 )。以食物款式選擇來說是多元化,而且也有早餐供應 (8a.m. 開舖),不錯吧 !!  店員服務水準也合格,有耐性及knowledgeable.

要彈的是環境比較open,檯與檯距離也較少,加上是半自助形式的grab-and-go模式,要relax feel 的似乎不合格了,而且餐具是膠製的,感覺不甚環保啊 !!   不過在這個沒有了foodcourt 的高檔商場裡找吃,這間cafe始終是一個不錯的歐式輕食店選擇呢。




Metropolitan  Cafe ( the met )

地址 : 金鐘太古廣場 LG 層 008 店

電話 : 29180882

營業時間 : 早上8時至晚上9時 (星期一至日)






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A magazine about food introduced recently the development of great hybrid of bakery and cafe in HK.  the editors mentioned the prominent founders of this trend, and one of these, Pumpernickel, is in my must-try list.  now, let me share my experience with all blogmates there ....


i've tried the set lunch ($45) in the shop located in Sheung Wan.  First, of course, came a basket of bread !!  slices of German rye bread with poppy seeds .... texture is good but not warm and soft at all    it is well-baked but not well-served !!  


the set included the cabbage soup. beyond my expectation with this price !!  can taste the freshness of cabbage and not sweety.    


the main course .... red rice with pan-fried vegetarian fish steak in satay sauce, served with vegetable salad. superb !!  i'm a vegetable fiend and the freshness of it surely tempted me to say : " it's so moreish !! "   the fish steak match well with the satay sauce and the steak is well-fried ~~ spicy and chewy !!  serving with red rice should be a good choice for the more health-conscious.  the generous portion is also suitable for OL working nearby.                   


complement the main with a blod-tasting cup of coffee. strong aroma and taste nearly let me forget i chose the mild one indeed !! i can see the oil layer on the surface implying that the fat content is high as the coffee bean is well-roasted.                  


i've also tried the sandwiches offered by the shop located in Tin Hau.  i picked the baguette with parma ham and mozzarella ($ 45). the content is plentiful with fresh lettuce, tomato, cucumber and egg. but the bread is inferior to that of La Baguette in LWF, as it's not chewy enough .... the "holes" inside the bread is not large enough, implying that the dough itself and the baking process is not skillfully handled. yet it's still crispy outside !!  and the ham is tasty but not thick enough    


.... iced mocha is my favourite !!  fabulously strong and flavoursome !!            


Pumpernickel is the brand offering homemade rye bread, with chains that abound the central areas of HK island. the setting is chic and simple. but the stools is not comfortable for those who dine in. it's better in the shop of Tin Hau. one thing that's attracting my attention is the piano placed inside the cafe, with the large book featuring Audrey Hepburn placed on it. the boss should be fans of Hepburn, i think .... haha.



Pumpernickel (黑麥)

Address :

1A, Lau Li Street, Tin Hau, HK  ( Tin Hau Shop )

Shop 4, G/F., Des Vouex Road Central ( Sheung Wan Shop )

Telephone : 

25780854 ( Tin Hau Shop)

28153711 ( Sheung Wan Shop )



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The concept or principle of running an eatery, either in small or large scale, is crucially diversifying or combining different kinds of food or cuisine one can offer in a trendy way.

Concerning the cafe, which is now a prominent food icon in HK, this concept is newly implemented by the intriguing combination of bakery and cafe. As i love both " food elements ", it's just a matter of time for me to hang out in these lovely bakery cafe every week !! 

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hysterical.gif picture by hkgm1994
  Here i'd like to introduce a wonderful cafe, La Baguette --- right in the heart of Lan Kwai Fong.


If you're a bread fiend, you should indulge yourself with the homemade and heart-made bread in this cafe !!  Here we can enjoy a wide selection of sandwiches with single, double or triple fillings, like avocado, brie, cheddar, duck confit, salami ...... The bread is for sure worthy of a mention, as we can enjoy a choice from totally 9 types of bread !!

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  Other than baguette, which is the specialty there,  bagel,  focaccia,  panini etc. are also offered.


rye with scandinavian baguette with cheddar & parma ham ($58), n' a glass of blod-tasting iced mocha ($28) ...... the bread is crispy on surface yet quite chewy inside !! cheddar is thick enough to fill most hungry stomachs, esp. that of foreigners.

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  i love the ham most as it's absolutely tangy but not too salty !! tastier than the one i tried in caffe habitu ( Elements ) !!  
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hysterical.gif picture by hkgm1994


ciabatta (italian bread) with brie & salami ($58), n' complement it with iced coffee ($28) ...... the bread is chewy and a bit crispy but not warm enough. salami is tasty but a bit bland to me.

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I should point out the sandwiches are served from the heart with fresh lettuce, tomato, cucumber and homemade mayonnaise ( as can be seen in the pics above ). i'm impressed by such vegetables in large portion !! 

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Coffees should be admired as well cuz the taste is strong and flavoursome !! i love the way of serving by allowing you to pour milk and syrup separately into the glass so that you can make the coffees with personal flavour.  

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La Baguette is a cozy cafe seats about 12 for those who choose to dine in. Foreigners there like perching on the bar stools to chat and enjoy their delicacies. The cafe doesn't only offer french food, as it's name might suggest. In fact, it offers such italian style cuisine (e.g. ciabatta is an italian bread ) as salads and pizzas. And it's alluring to learn homemade desserts are also available : apple crumble and brownie ...... they should be the must-try items when i come back next time ...... but the boss here has got a good memory for faces ...... he actively say hi to me, and it makes me embarrassing, haha !! 



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La Baguette 
burger.gif picture by hkgm1994

G/F., 18 Lan Kwai Fong, Central, HK

28683716 ( takeaway service is available ) 




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