目前分類:西式美味 (52)

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As a renowned food paradise, it's the trend that we can savour more often the delights of dining at exotic and relaxing eating outlets along the "food streets" nearby the popular shopping malls. We can also enjoy the budget lunches or relaxing dinners in the spacious outdoor sitting area outside these eateries. That day, i hung out in the "food street" of Taikoo Place, and i tried one of the impressive bar there --- East End Brewery.


Oops !! peanut shells were thrown all over the floor. that's the typical atmosphere of a foreign pub !! there're plentiful choice of such popular beers as Hoegaarden and Brooklyn. but this time i'd rather like to try out the food there ...... thus i picked the set dinner ( $108 ) and a cup of hot cappuccino ($25). 

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Wow !! a basket of welcoming peanuts just for free ...... the same as that i tried in Slim's before. the fabulous coffee is good, but a little bland for me.  


First is the appetiser ~~~ i chose the veggie salad. (or u can pick the soup). it's tastily fresh, with slices of cheese which surely enable the dish to deliver a rainbow of flavours. 


the main is the grilled salmon in mango salsa, with mashed potato and daily vegetables. the salmon is well-fried but it's not fresh enough. instead i love the salsa with sweet and sour flavours ...... YummY !!  it's suprising to learn the vegetables are those mainly appeared in Chinese cuisine ! 

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the salmon is in a bit large portion ...... so the coming dessert has a hard act to follow. ok, but i wanna satisfy my sweet tooth now ...... let's taste the lemon cheese cake with fresh strawberry dusted with icing sugar.  Delicious !! the cake has a strong flavour of lemon !!  it did taste good except the crispless cake base. 


The classy, airy and roomy ambience there is quite relaxing and comfortable, with huge windows and a high ceiling. So it's wonderful also to have plenty of seats for street-viewing. but it's the photos of old Hong Kong hanged all over the walls that totally impressed me !!

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chikas_blue01.gif picture by hkgm1994

One thing i should point out is that the young non-Chinese serving staff are enthusiastic and eager to help !! though it takes time to wait for every dish for my dinner, i can enjoy the layback feel of fine dining !!



East End Brewery (Quarry Bay)

Address :

G/F., 23-27 Tong Chong Street, Quarry Bay

(near the Taikoo Place food street)

Telephone :


Opening hours :

Mondays to Sundays  11:30a.m. - 1:00a.m. 





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聽說有位在酒店當甜品師傅15年的巧手匠毅然在新界大埔開了間小店“甜豆屋”,這天因為順路便專程走去一試,希望品嚐他的隱世廚藝 !!

我們點了3款甜品 ︰

格士打 (Cassata),$28  ◈◈◈◈◈◈  很著名的意大利雪糕,共有三層︰由上而下是芋頭、士多啤梨和朱古力,最下一層是混了開心果、棉花糖與 rum 酒的淡忌廉。我分別從每一層品嚐,很特別,可一次過吃到三種雪糕,最下一層的也很 tasty,不過嫌酒味有點重,但加了pistachio nuts 又有了脆香口感  



法式麵包布甸 ($28)  ◈◈◈◈◈◈  其實它真是一點不像以往吃開的 bread pudding,皆因估計它是用上 yogurt、奶及芒果雪糕等製造,吃落不像有麵包成份,而且有點像吃sorbet,因為它甜中帶酸,外層又咬到一粒粒的冰粒,但質感卻頗像bread,因內裡夠軟綿。最頂端像麵包皮的是鮮芒果肉 ...... 總之很新奇 !! 又甜而不漏,不妨試試!!



法式焦糖吉士蛋 ($22)  ◈◈◈◈◈◈  原本是向 waiter 說要凍芒果 souffle,但卻端來custard,算吧,就姑且一試啊。面層的caramel 夠香,但對我這個焦糖迷來說 layer 就是不夠厚啊 !!  custard 本身蛋味濃,但既不滑,又過甜,所以個人不認為是水準之作。



只吃甜品不夠飽肚吧,於是點了北海道烏冬 ($34 跟湯)。 這碟內容頗豐富,有不少海鮮,例如魚塊、蝦、魷魚、蜆肉和蟹柳等 !! 烏冬炒得不太油膩,有水準 !!



整體來說,這裡的酒店級甜品質素算有保證,價錢相宜,也有很多選擇 (例如有炸雪糕、朱古力火煱、中式糖水等),還有飯和麵食,像我們試的炒烏冬,味道不錯。而且氣氛也不錯吧,稍暗燈光又有足夠空間給予每張餐桌,是可以邊吃邊談心的地方。要彈的是waitress 們不夠主動細心,要呼喚一會兒才會理睬我們,希望這方面能再加改善吧 !!


甜豆屋  ( Bean Dessert House )

地址 ︰ 大埔美新里美菱居D舖

電話 ︰ 26669380







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I haven't visited the Peak, a place we are proud of, for a considerable period of time. On that day, we happily got there by the Peak tram and chose a restaurant for lunch.

We are attracted by the restaurant called Eating Plus,  in which many seats there were not occupied, and we need not to wait as we arrived at the Peak at about 3pm and we were very hungry !!

oh !! a variety of dishes of noodles for us to choose and the restaurant claimed that no MSG is added, and natural ingredients are used in preparing food. ok !! finally we picked three dishes :

first is the chicken satag ($38) : the chicken meat is well-fried, very spicy and tender. the sauce is made by tamarind, coconut milk and miso peanut. it's for sure enhancing the taste of the chicken meat !


a dish of chinese cuisine, panfried egg noodle with prawns, served with black bean sauce ($79). tasty !! we don't expect we can taste this type of chinese noodle there. but it's above standard ! the noodle is not moist and the prawn is bouncy and fresh.  the sauce is not too thick and very spicy !


we also tried the western dish : panfried risotto with seabass ($73). to me, risotto, an italian cuisine, is my favourite if it's well-cooked in accordance with the original italian method. the dish here is surely not " italian" as the rice is only of chinese type so that it's not chewy enough. it's quite tasteless. and there is a bit too strong in smell of raw fish for seabass, though it's juicy and in large size. 

Eating Plus is surely the place for tasting healthy food at the Peak in an inexpensive way. and maybe because of that, we found not many visitors there ( they would rather go Burger King and Bubba Gump). to me, it's a good try as i can taste to a large extent the original flavor of the natural ingredients (especially the vegetables ), and the portion of dishes is large enough to share with partners or friends.



we're totally fascinated by the panorama of our striving but still beautiful island ...... it retrieved my memory of the days studying in the university.


Eating Plus

地址 ︰山頂凌霄閣P102號舖

電話 ︰28497855



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Right !! BURGERS AGAIN !!  

i wanna share the experience of savouring the cute Slim's burgers, which are mini-sized as found in a bistro located at Wanchai !!

in fact, Slim's is a pub-styled American restaurant opened for a year only.  there are amazing variety of beer with a basket of peanuts free of charge welcoming foreigners and hongkongers. the ambience is relaxing, with red lights and red seats inside. we can find, however, walls painted with American pop-stars, funny film clips etc. in colourful comic style.  tables set just far enough apart to suggest privacy in this compact, cozy but still comfortable eatery.

i chose the " Super Slim " combo ( $70 ), including the Slim's burger with beef, the chickenburger and mini hot dog. i also chose a dish of fresh fruit salad by adding $10 only (or you can pick fries).  it's named "super" cuz i can taste all 3 types of Slim's signature mini burgers and hot dog ...... oh !!! sorry !!! the dog is sold out and the pretty nice waitress asked if i can choose one more cute burger. ok !! i pick the one with beef.


the beef burger is surely the best choice. why ?  i haven't taste this marvellous mini beef patties before !!!!!!   it's well-fried and absolutely soft and tender !!   the beef mince is surely hand-made instead of making by machine !! just bit a little piece out of it ...... spicy, tasty and succulent but not oily.  i've to admit the quality is obviously superior to those of Shake'em Buns and Triple-O !!


the bun is also well-prepared as it's soft inside but crispy outside, but too small in size !! the orange-coloured cheese, sliced tomato and lettuce are fresh enough to give me a joyful experience in tasting these cute bread. the chickenburger is at all delicious with spicy chicken meat !! but it's not juicy and not as attractive as the beef burger.


the last dish ~~~ the fruit salad ...... indeed it's not salad but assorted fruit only. i can taste the fresh slices of pomelo, papaya, orange and kiwi-fruit. they are all sweety and fresh. YummY !!



tonite i picked a cup of cappuccino with frothed foam.  i wanna say it's absolutely crucial in tasting the food which is made by the cook in artful and hearty way, whenever we enjoy our dining experience.  just a lovely creamy foam with the cute heart-shaped chocolate sprinkled on top ...... i can feel not only the taste, but the heart of the barista !!  life is too short for living without love and care !!!!!!  Miss C, i await your wonderful cup of coffee which can tug at my heartstrings !!!!!!






G/F., 1 Wing Fung Street, Wanchai, H.K.

( Tel : 2528-1661 ) 




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原本安排這篇飲食之旅於較後時間發表,不過看見這間新開幕的超級shopping mall ~~~ Elements 成了城中熱話,我這個shopping fans 又怎會錯過爭先發放這裡所見所聞的機會呢 !!  10月7日晚我到了這間位置比較偏僻的Caffe Habitu,品嚐了這裡的意式coffee 及pizza。

Habitu 其實有數間分店,聽說最佳是尖沙咀 Habour City那間,不過始終未能一試其Italian cuisine。那天碰巧在 Elements 留下足印期間給我發現了這間新分店,當然要把握機會試試 !!



既然coffee 是這裡的specialty,看見ticketing櫃檯有個大牌推介這款名為Tazza Di Cioccolata Con Espresso ( 即意式朱古力咖啡,$36),就選它吧。 

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這裡的barista 很勤快和熟練的完成了這杯精采的coffee。當我看到這杯熱咖啡的presentation 時,即時為它加了分 ...... 是一杯上面鋪了whipped cream 的chocoholics,還有一小杯這裡標榜選用產自意大利Trieste咖啡豆而製的espresso。這種讓客人自己邊喝邊倒入espresso 於choco 的方式明顯是跟隨老牌咖啡廳的傳統飲用模式,這亦是以往歐洲上流社會享受coffee的習慣 (正宗的其實是連whipped cream 也是另碟盛載的),若這個盛載espresso小杯不是用上不銹鋼 ,而用瓷壺就更有elegant feel 了 (我曾在blog說過飲食時的感覺也是相當重要的)。

首先我用匙盛了些cream 進口試試,不單止light,還驚喜的發現它是溫熱的,不是 iced 的那種,很新鮮 !!!!  

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 一邊攪拌這杯choco,一邊緩緩倒入espresso ...... choco 甜度適中,配上濃香的espresso 即時聞到香甜的aroma,至於味道就當然thick又dense,飲完後更有香甜的aftertaste歷久未散 ...... 認真令我滿足 !! 果然名不虛傳 !! 相近價錢的Starbucks或 Pacific 出品明顯給比下去 !!

我也點了salad,但只有兩款選擇,我試了這個 Delicious Avocado Salad (沙樂美腸牛油果松子野菌沙律,$48)。

這是現成用膠盒載的salad,蔬菜算新鮮,不過給雪至比較乾身。沙樂美腸雖不salty,但味道偏淡。野菌只有數小塊,portion 與價錢有點不相稱,幸好有整個牛油果吃,附上的鹹酸醬汁不算失禮。

友人想試試這裡的pizza,但同樣只有兩款薄批選擇,於是點了Parma Ham (巴馬火腿芝士薄脆比薩,$68),和這裡也是馳名的 iced strawberry & lemon tea ($28)。

這個薄脆批crispy 不在話下,還非常薄,又乾又香脆,差點以為在吃餅乾 (其他分店也給food comments 這樣評價)。批面的cheese 及sauce 較少且乾,令整件pizza更乾身。上面的ham 並不鹹,但味淡,那些火箭菜的味我接受到,整體來說不見突出。

這裡環境算不錯,有像Starbucks 一樣有大梳化椅,也有卡座,更有stools,店內一邊是大單邊,樓下可看到溜冰場,是chatting 的理想地點。不過要彈這裡的service,這店說是assisted self service (故沒有加一),即是要買飛後自取飲品,食物是店員端上,不過竟然連餐具也是要自取 !! 我想快餐店裡這是可接受的方式,但這裡是中檔消費的特色caffe !! 故這方面應予改善。Habitu 的食物亦算貴,portion細,遇上水準未盡如己意的食品便會覺不值了。這店其實也有十數款desserts,下次要再來coffee + desserts !!



實在很興奮啊,香港又多一間大型shopping mall !! 這裡的格局像九龍塘的Festival Walk,但氣派卻勝了一籌 ( 有一種高雅感覺),部份通道比較濶落,設施更不惜工本,如今期飲食雜誌有介紹的洗手間等。想在這裡分享的是這裡有接近30間食肆,質素在現時來說絕對頂尖 !! 皆因最大特色是食肆種類繁多,有來自各國的大型餐廳進駐,不像以往的商場比較側重於亞洲cuisine (尤其是日式食店)。這裡也有數間首度在港開分店的食肆,論gimmick 氣勢當然一時無兩 !! 於是在這裡開店的見慣見熟的連鎖店如 Starbucks、利苑酒家等便頓時失色不少。不過由於這些新店大部份走中高檔路線,網友們若計劃在這裡享受lunch 或 dinner 就要在預算上作個向上調整了。

另外一點要提提的,是由於Elements 摒棄了cooked deli 這個設計安排,所以內裡的食店位置會比較分散 ( 除了5樓的數間食店集中一處,即店號R字頭的食肆 ),加上商場本身很大,建議若是一家老幼的,最好先找到目標食肆位置,擬好步行路線次序,免得行了冤枉路 !!

順帶一提,若想行全港最大超市ThreeSixty,要留意這裡的bakery,實在有很多款式選擇 !! 商場內也有其他bakery 店,如大阪餅店,都是high-class ...... 麵包迷,胃食鬼,仲唔快快殺到嚟 ?!  

Fast.gif picture by hkgm1994
Fast.gif picture by hkgm1994
Fast.gif picture by hkgm1994




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As a dining paradise in the world,  we can enjoy in HK the cuisine from all the countries one can come up with.  For the western style, burgers, a "charisma" of the American cuisine, should be one of the most important " ingredients " in the dining experience of the Hongkongers.  We are blessed with numerous outlets specialised in selling burgers and chunky chips --- a great alternative to the mediocre fast-food variety.  In this passage, i would like to share the dining experience in renowned burger seller ~~~ Shake'em Buns, which is commonly ranked as the middle-of-the-road choice for a burger lover or connoisseur.


The shop we visited is located in Causeway Bay, in which the apartment is larger than that of another shop in Wanchai. I tried the attractive burger, the chips and two drinks : 

this is a cheese burger named Hawaiian Surfer Girl ($60) with 4 layers !! ...... 

the top is a rasher of the indescribably delicious bacon which is remarkedably crispy and spicy, but not too salty. 

then there finds the juicy pineapple ( i love it very much ). Though it is the canned one, the size is big enough and it can for sure alleivate the feeling of fullness after eating such a big burger !!

The third layer is the tasty thick patty with strong beef favour. It is absolutely juicy and tender. The taste is enhanced by the rich cheese in melted form. Though oily, as can be seen by the juice dropped from the burger, it's quality should be superior to that of the fast-food chain restaurants. 

Lastly there is a thick slice of fresh tomato and lettuce, which is also yummy !!

The freshly-baked bun is also tasty as soft inside and a bit crunchy outside, and it is spread with salad sauce.


To taste the original taste and texture, the chips i chose is the one without cheese ( another popular choice is chilli cheese fries ), which is named " Keep 'em Coming" ($12). The thumb-sized fries is crispy outside and soft inside, with strong taste of fresh potato. However, marks should be deducted as it is quite dried inside. 


My friend picked the canned Sprite ($18), and i chose the milkshake called Strawberry Tender ($35). The can drink is quite pricy, and it would be worth my money to pay more for the wonderful smoothies there!! 

   The Strawberry Tender is, beyond my expectation, absolutely thick in texture, and i can taste the strong favour of strawberry and milk. As it is not too saccharine, it surely prompted me to try the blue temptation (another renowned milkshake) next time !!

As we chose the seats near the open kitchen, and perching on a bar stool, we can watch closely the process of making fresh-baked buns and how did the patties pan-fried gently !!


The Causeway Bay shop is cozy and newly deocrated ( i found the large crystal pendent lamp) in traditional American style.  The walls are panelled with dark wood with dark tables and chairs. The huge glass windows offset the low lighting. It is a bit noisy, but it gives a warm and friendly ambience as i can see a whole family sharing their food on the two tables in one side, and the teenagers had their gathering and they shared their food on two chair sets in another side.


We finished the burger meal with relish. This delight experience helped me to learn that we can easily feel the "charisma" of burgers, which are presented in so many forms that it's fun to experience different combinations of patties, sauce and vegetables sandwiched between yummy bun halves.  Just like desserts, we can enjoy freely with numerous taste, texture and outlook !! Some cute burgers made with heart can be displayed beautifully and elegantly, so that one can be easily charmed by such type of "bread"!!  It is no wonder Miss C feels touching uptill now whenever she retrieves her memory of meeting her former boyfriend for the first time when they enjoyed their burger meal together  




Shake 'em Buns

Causeway Bay Shop

Address : G/F., 5 Hoi Ping Road, Causeway Bay, H.K.

Telephone :  25726220

Wanchai Shop

Address : Shop k, 2 Star Street, Wanchai, H.K.

Telephone : 28662060




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It is known that cafe with home-made bakery is uncommon in HK. Thus it would be an intriguing dining experience at Simplylife Bakery Cafe (one is in Taikoo Shing and another in Kowloon Tong), which is popular for it's tasty range of freshly-baked bread.

I've visited both cafe enjoying my brunch (Kowloon Tong) and dinner (Taikoo Shing) there. It is pleasurable to experience the flexibility of choosing dishes from the menu : e.g. for the appetizer, we can choose onion soup or salad; we have totally 6 choices for the main course (dinner) ;  and we have the option of choosing desserts or not ($10 more for desserts).  


the cafe of Taikoo Shing ...... we can see the open bakery counter with the display of various delicious bread.


The appetizer :

we chose crabmeat salad  with a slice of rye bread for the brunch


there're more bread for the dinner : rye bread and raisin bread.

The bread is for sure home-made and freshly-baked. We can taste the cripsy but a bit hard crust, with soft but chewy inside.   The butter has been complained for its hardness in the food web., and I experienced this in Taikoo Shing, but the reverse is true for the brunch in Kowloon Tong. 

The salad is quite good, as the fresh vegetables are served with fresh crabmeat and seasame sauce ......  it only whets my appetite !! 


The main course :

I picked the burger set ($98 with desserts) with French fries for the brunch


a closer look 

   this beef cheese burger (6 oz) is tasty : the Italian bacon (on top of the beef ball) is spicy and crispy;  the beef is juicy and the taste is enhanced by the melted cheese. the bread is tasty for its strong taste of garlic and butter.   


the french fries with sliced tomato and garlic have been admired by food comments ...... well, it is delicious for strong taste of potato and the moist but still quite crispy texture. otherwise, it's nothing spectacular for me.   


my friend chose the angel hair pasta with grilled prawn served with tomato sauce. obviously the prawn is over-grilled though it is quite fresh indeed. the pasta is not al dente, but fortunately the sauce is quite good. 


for the dinner, I chose the grains rice congee with grilled assorted mushrooms.  the cereal grains included not only rice and oats,  but black glutinous rice, lotus seeds, fox nuts etc.  it is topped with cheese, and it is cooked like risotto with white-coloured sauce.  the taste is OK for me, but maybe flavourless for others. 




The desserts :

The type of desserts is decided by the Chef. For my dinner, i have chocolate brownie stuffed with walnuts, with icing sugar sprinkled on top.  the portion is too small for me, and the brownie is quite hard in texture.


i've also lemon cheese cake for the brunch.  though it is again in tiny portion, the taste of lemon is strong and the cake base (maybe made by crushed digestive biscuits) is not thick. yummy !!   


For the setting , the black furnishings is arty and trendy. and the ambience is still comfortable though a bit cozy. there are seats inside and outside the cafe.

The service is quite good as the waitresses are courteous and friendly. but there is room for them to improve their oral English.  


Simplylife Bakery Cafe           


太古城 :                                                                     

鰂魚涌太古城中心1樓142A號舖   (Tel : 29678163)

九龍塘 :

九龍塘又一城商場2樓L2-42號舖  (Tel : 22657418)




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今天慶幸過了充實的一天,因為我終於可以跟隨chocolate fans 朝拜了他們必到的“聖地”~~~ Chocolux Cafe !!!  我選擇了位於金鐘Pacific Place 的分店,並品嚐了這裡出品的3種朱古力迷必試的甜品。


首先當然要試試這裡的chocolate muffin (碎朱古力鬆餅),每件賣$15,由於我要求翻熱,所以吃來夠soft又夠濃choco 味!! yummy !!


跟著就要品嚐這件稱為自家製Choco Egg Tart ($20),同樣要求翻熱,果然tart 中間的濃朱古力想會是超過70%的dark choco,甘中帶甜,texture 夠creamy,雖然tart 本身不夠鬆脆,但已很滿足哦!! (建議要求翻熱吃,味道更加) 


最後端來的就是我最想試的molten choco cake with ice cream (共$38) ,又名“朱古力心太軟”。這道曾載譽香港的法式朱古力甜品,既然是Chocolux 的鎮店之寶之一,當然要細心品嚐啦。我要求加ice cream球,這個配搭真是令人同時嚐到兩種不同口感的新鮮感!!   

  (但那個雪糕球不像中環總店那樣放在choco cake 上面 )

這座朱古力小火山真是外冷內熱!! 外層的choco cake 焗得很香脆,我用spoon 輕輕一切,woooooo ...... 內裡的melted 朱古力立即欲罷不能的湧了出來了。我也立時聞到了一陣陣暖暖的朱古力味!!  第一眼望去內裡的choco 槳是under 60% 的甜朱古力,吃進口裡真真滿足了也是choco fans 的我 !!! 又香滑又香濃 !!!  



 ~~~ iced choco (72%),點了grand size ($33),還是不夠我飲,因為那個choco cake 太“槳口”,要不時飲 iced choco 化解。正如網評所言,那杯choco 不夠朱古力味!!! 最濃的72% 也只僅satisfy 味蕾要求的最低濃度,那些33%及50% (另外兩種選擇) 想必更不濟了!! 

我visit 的這間 Chocolux 分店很細小,只有4張檯,而且在商場主通道隔鄰,故環境不算舒適。幸好那位店長很友善細心,樂意為我簡短介紹這店的食品,抵讚!!  若問我食物是否昂貴,我卻覺得這很視乎自己對chocolate 的鍾愛程度,喜愛的其實算值回票價 !!


這次是一個難得的dining experience,我終於正式感受到以甜品作為正餐的一份滿足感,既是新鮮有趣 (每次可品嚐不同賣相和味道層次感) ,也能懷著那刻心窩給甜了的這份充實感完成了整個進餐過程,保持著愉快的心情離開店舖,雖然還有很“漏”的感覺,但這是多麼的有意思 !!  至此,我也圓滿的償了眼前最後一個本應要滿足的心願了...... 寬心了!!




也在這裡紀錄自己幾喜歡的台式飲品連鎖店 ~~~ HappyLemon (屬仙踪林旗下) ︰

這間是位於旺角豉油街 (板前壽司對面) 的分店 (那個改良了的東菇頭logo 很 eye-catching 呀!!)


我點了焦糖奶堤 ( Caramel tea-latte ),要普通size,賣$14。第一口喝的是最好味哦,因為可嚐到香濃的咖啡味,跟著是茶味跟焦糖味。不過飲了不久卻感覺它似台式奶茶多些!!  我個fd 點了翡翠檸檬菠蘿凍 (普通$12),有jelly 及菠蘿味蒟蒻,整杯味道夠香甜,又帶適中的酸味,炎夏天氣飲就最解渴 !! 

看看這店的slogan (上圖背景) : happy everyday !! 



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最近決心要吃多些甜品,以往實在忽略了它們 !!  今次到了九龍灣Megabox 的 Cheesecake Cafe 試了4 款人氣最盛的cheesecakes ( 全部共有23款!! 每款均為$28 ) ...... 

1. Banana Cream : 上面的香蕉塊是炒過的,又甜又脆; cheese 本身酸酸甜甜,很yummy !! 內裡也有鮮香蕉塊,但沒有那些脆banana 這麼好味 !!


2.  Chocolate Brownie Sunday : 上面的朱古力 brownie 很濃香,還有一小塊金鉑點綴。cheese 也有很濃的朱古力味,還有很香的酒味,令人一試難忘 !!


3.  很受歡迎的 Lychee Green Tea :  非常清新的cheesecake !! 那個原粒荔枝夠香甜,不會酸,更有金鉑點綴。cake面層有荔枝肉粒,味道很清新。下層的綠茶cheese 比想像中更有綠茶香味!! 這件cheesecake 實在是水準之作 !!!


4. 個人最喜愛的當然是 Dulce De Leche Caramel :  最吸引的正是鋪上面的 hazelnut 碎加上焦糖 !! delicious !! 很香很脆很甜呀,唔夠喉,點算? 立刻幹掉整件cheesecake 吧!! cheese也有很香的焦糖味 !!


那杯mocha 也不欺場,不會過甜,又夠咖啡味,tasty !!


吃完甜品,店外碰巧欣賞到攪笑的老外表演魔術,看著他全心全意的逗著圍觀者開心,令整個商場增添了不少笑聲 ...... 人也會不自覺開心起來。



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今天(8月3日)無意中知道沙田新城市廣場一期地下的food court 剛剛重新裝修完畢,並有初到香港開分店的食肆,於是就想立即見証見識......臨時約人真係好煩,個fd 放我飛機呀

於是,自己走到這裡逛逛,並於6時許選擇了初到貴境的Shakey's Pizza 試試!

這店的gimmick 是由美國 New York 引進的長方形Pizza,鎮店之寶名為“深海龍王”(King Lobster)的龍蝦Pizza ($198),聲稱共12吋長!Pizza載了原隻龍蝦(頭和尾用來點綴)、野菌、青椒和紅椒,並用日本的長形木几盛載。這個jumbo pizza我一個人又點食得晒?於是點短了2吋(即10吋)的凱撒牧場Pizza (Chicken Caesar) 試試 ($88)......

 真係很長的Pizza呀...... 但驟眼看去pizza本身沒有10吋長!上面鋪了煙雞肉(smoked chicken)、生菜(uncooked vegetable)、粒粒麵包糠和凱撒沙律(Caesar Salad),而pizza是用上薄脆批底,配上芝士與茄汁(cheese & tomato sauce)。從上圖可見這rectangular pizza 是給分成6小塊的,食落個批好crispy,不油膩;煙雞肉有煙薰味,肉不嚡口,不過沒甚雞味,只能憑看過menu的記憶知道現在正是吃雞肉!那些salad都幾好味,配上pizza的濃厚芝士茄汁味,原來都幾夾!我也點了鮮榨橙汁($26),但味道一般。食呀食,咦......點解真係食得晒個pizza?係食晒,不過飽到依家!)


論服務這裡的店員都算勤快,還記得不知是否他們知道我是會用相機拍照的試食者,有位男經理在我點的pizza端上桌時用很恭敬的語氣詢問我是否需要撒上黑胡椒,當我說可以後他立刻從開放式廚房拿來一大個木瓶子為我撒上(後來我留意到在我附近的其他食客沒有如斯服務)。不過等個pizza卻用了約15分鐘!在New Town Plaza的客流量來說這是很糟糕的!其實那裡還有很多食物選擇,例如雙子魔法pizza(一個pizza可選2種不同的味道,$118)、意大利飯、海鮮麵或粉、烤雞脆、烤肉扒(有賣相很好的燒肋骨呀,好想試呀)和salad等,有機會再來試!

比分嘞  :   3個哈哈笑  (滿分5分)


Shakey's Pizza (喜客比薩)

地址 : 新界沙田新城市廣場一期121號舖

電話  :  26080889


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     雜誌看到位於尖沙咀漆咸道南的百樂酒店有自助餐優惠,於是日前走去試試dinner buffet,因之前聽聞質素不錯嘛。

一開始 (6:30 p.m.) 只見急速移動的身影朝向冷盆區方向,雙手熟巧地用夾夾著那些等待著我們的海鮮,兩塊或一個的輸送到偌大的碟子上,滿心歡喜的走回了自己的坐椅,眼睛還要循例欣賞跟珍惜的凝視著那些來得不易的“戰利品”。我既然也是海鮮的擁戴者,當會受了那種氛圍感動吧。當我以好奇和帶點怕執輸的心情驅使下走到這個冷盆區,睜大了眼睛看著那些最受歡迎的海鮮時,心裡頓時一沉...... 是啊,有三文魚、龍蝦仔、翡翠螺、熟蝦、八爪魚與鱆紅魚剌身,但是卻吸引不了我,看看上圖左面的一大盆三文魚,那會好吃!





知道海鮮並非這裡的強項,於是到了熱盆區逛逛,原來都有不少選擇...... 噢,有不少海鮮呀!除了大路的蒸魚和茄汁蝦外,也有些西式熱盆如燒羊架配蒜茸香草汁(但我不喜歡吃肉,故沒有試)。





這間Cafe 其中一邊是燒物,有我喜歡的tempura,不過只有“少量”的蕃薯與茄子,卻有“大量”的椒子與餃子 (個個都嘴刁,只選擇好味的炸物!),不過味道一般,試試無妨。


這裡的甜品區看上去都有十數款,除了一般的cheese cakes,chocolate tiramisu等,也有泰式椰汁黑糯米南瓜布甸、杞子圓肉桂花糕等,而雪糕共有4款: 雲喱拿、士多啤梨、香芋與朱古力。款式與味道ok 啦。

不過始終全場最受歡迎的desserts,一定是那個令當晚所有食客都不會忘記的souffle (梳乎厘)!因為只有一部小焗爐,內裡只能放上10 杯,由此我們都要把握這15分鐘排隊,就像向偶像索簽名般,拿著已得到祝福的杯子愉悅帶微笑回到坐位上享受個飽!我也排了兩次隊才得償所願,邊吃邊欣賞那香噴噴的,上面撒了糖霜的甜品...... delicious!

 果真散發著很香的蛋和牛油香味,又幾鬆軟乾身。原來這個才是buffet 的主角!至散場前5分鐘左右,仍有十多位食客排隊衝刺!




比分 :  3 個胃食仔


百樂餐廳 (Park Cafe )

地址 : 尖沙咀漆咸道61-65號百樂酒店4樓

電話 : 27312168

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As promised, I dined at the restaurant named Little Fusion (意房菜) located in Mongkok.

The waitress was diligent in welcoming customers outside.

the lighting inside is improved as the blue light is somewhat covered except those around the bar table.

Now, there are pretty yellow bulbs with candles on each dining table!

the soup, the garlic bread and the mashed potato with field snail came first.

the main course ... Angel Hair Pasta served with seafood and fresh assorted mushrooms in French lobster sauce .

lastly came the peach red tea. Delicious !


On July 27, we came to this restaurant, which was recommended by Deli Prince last year (http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/Deli-Prince/article?mid=63&fid=17), at about 6:30 p.m. for dinner.  There was only few customers at that time and we are allocated seats instantly. We ordered the set dinner ($59 including 10% service charge). The main dishes I selected was the seafood and fresh assorted mushrooms in French lobster sauce served with Angel Hair Pasta (法式龍蝦汁鮮什菌海鮮天使麵). This dinner set included the soup (I chose Borscht), the sliced garlic French bread and the French mashed potato with field snail meat.


The soup and the mashed potato were in ordinary quality, but the garlic bread was fresh and crispy. Yummy !! 

 However, the marks should be deducted as I ate "sand"
in the field snail meat , though the taste and the sauce inside them was tasty.


Then I tried the main dishes seafood pasta with mushrooms. I cannot taste the sweetness of lobster in the sauce except its salty taste. However, I like the seafood (it is my favour!), as there were mussels, prawn, scallop, mini-octopus and a slice of fish meat. The mushrooms were tasty and in good quality. Overall, the food was well cooked except the salty taste of the sauce, and the stale prawn and the fish meat.  The drink tasted good as I like the smell of peach though it was a bit sweety.


In a word, the quality is a bit above average, and the price is attractive with a large size of the main dishes and the drink! It is an economical choice dining at this western-style restaurant. So, I give 4 marks! (full marks are 5)   

Little Fusion

Address : G/F., No. 1, Hung Fai Building, 2Q Tung Choi Street, Mongkok.

Telephone : 23329928


p.s. Thanks for Deli Prince, I prepared well for taking photos by studying the functions of my new camera (Canon Digital IXUS 950 IS ). And I think the products are much better than before. As such, I am not so nervous this time. And when I take snapshots outside the door of this restaurant, the pretty waitress said gently to me: 隨便啦!oh, it surely boosts my confidence and courage in taking photos !  

Thanks a lot!! 

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